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Privacy Policy

Updated on: March 16, 2023

The protection of privacy and personal data is a priority for Mercado Eletrônico S/A (henceforth ME) and a clear commitment for us.

This policy concerns the privacy practices of the online websites managed by ME.

Any personal data that you provide us will be treated with the security and confidentiality guarantees required by the legal framework regarding the protection of personal data.

Any attempts to alter information, or any other action that could cause damage or risk the system integrity are strictly prohibited according to the legislation in force.

The user of this website undertakes to comply scrupulously with the applicable legislation, in particular about computer-related crime and intellectual property rights, being solely responsible for the violation of these regulations.

Person responsible for the processing of personal data

Responsible for processing personal data

  • European Union and European Economic Area

ME - Mercado Eletrónico Portugal, SA is the entity responsible for collecting and processing personal data, can be contacted via email or by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to Rua Latino Coelho Nº13, 1º andar, 1050-132 Lisboa.

  • Outside the European Union and the European Economic Area

Mercado Eletrônico, SA is the entity responsible for collecting and processing personal data, can be contacted via email or by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to Rua Fidêncio Ramos, 213 - 8º andar, 04551-010, Vila Olímpia - São Paulo - SP.

In the scope of their activities, Mercado Eletrônico, SA and ME - Mercado Eletrónico Portugal, SA, as data controllers:

  • Ensure that your personal data are processed only for the purposes for which they were collected or for other purposes compatible with those;
  • Collect, use and retain only the minimum personal data necessary and sufficient for the purpose;
  • Will not carry out any transfer of personal data for commercial or advertising purposes;
  • Process personal data for legally foreseen purposes or for the execution of online services upon your request.


ME respects your right to privacy and does not collect personal information about you on this website without your explicit request or consent.

Personal Data

Personal data is any information of any nature, collected on any type of medium, relating to an individual, identified or identifiable. It is considered identifiable the set of information that may lead to the identification of a particular person, namely by reference to an identifier (such as an identification number or a location data).

ME only collects data that is appropriate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is treated.

Personal Data Security

ME, in pursuit of its activities, uses a set of security technologies and procedures adequate for the protection of your personal data, protecting unauthorized access and disclosure.

Access and control of Personal Data

We provide, at your request, access, rectification and deletion of personal data. You also have the right to object the processing of your personal data.

If the use of your personal data is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw it, without compromising the validity of the processing of data made up to that moment.

Through the data protection responsible (, you can request:

  • Information about your data;
  • Information about processing;
  • The underlying purpose of treatment;
  • The correction, or updating, of some data;
  • Your data in an open format;
  • The deletion of data, which affect, in this case, future treatments.

Personal Data Archive

Your personal data is kept by the ME for the period strictly necessary for the processing, according to the respective purpose.


ME cannot be held responsible for any damages or damages in civil liability (including but not limited to, consequential damage, loss of profits and moral damage, whether caused directly or indirectly) that arise as a result of the correct or incorrect use of its electronic wesites and their contents by the user, the access to the computer and computer system of the user by third parties.

The information provided should be seen in its informative aspect.

Despite the efforts of ME in keeping the contents up to date and reliable, they may contain inaccuracies, errors of writing or be out of date, and therefore ME may not be held liable for the complete accuracy and timeliness of any information contained in its websites.

Our electronic websites may contain links to sites operated by third parties over which it has no control and for which it assumes no responsibility.

The visualization of legal dispositions in this site does not exempt the consultation of the legal norms in force, officially approved, published in the original editions and supports (in particular the Diário da República or the Official Journal of the European Union).

Changes to security and privacy policy

These Terms and Conditions, which you should read carefully, may be modified, and the changes shall be deemed to take effect from the date of their placement on this website, making express reference to the date of update.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The Terms and Conditions and this Privacy Policy are governed and interpreted in accordance with the applicable legislation and it will be up to the competent Forum/Court, to the exclusion of any other, to resolve conflicts resulting from the interpretation and application of the Terms and Conditions, of this Privacy Policy and/or Cookie Policy, the following indicated, depending on the location of the customer/user of the ME services and solutions:

European Union and European Economic Area República Portuguesa Law Lisbon, Portugal
United States of America Internal laws of the State of Florida Miami, USA
Other territories República Federativa do Brasil Law São Paulo, SP, Brazil